Leslie Crabtree
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Leslie Crabtree.  Publications              
Leslie Crabtree.  Vocal Works in Russian for voice and piano.  Volume I
Date of publication: May 15, 2008.  Place of publication: Moscow, Russia.  Number of pages: 64.  
Table of Contents  
No. Title Poet
1 «Заколдованный круг» ("The Magic Circle") Andrey Dementyev
2 «Отцы, не покидайте сыновей…» ("Fathers, do not abandon your sons") Andrey Dementyev
3 «Любимая, спи...» ("Beloved, sleep…") Evgeny Evtushenko
4 «Сонет» ("Sonnet") Sergei Esenin
5 «Элегия» ("Elegy") Alexander Pushkin
6 «Заклинание» ("Exorcism") Alexander Pushkin
7 «Телега жизни» ("The Coach of Life") Alexander Pushkin
8 «Я вас любил» ("I Loved You") Alexander Pushkin
9 «К…» («Я помню чудное мгновенье») ("To…" ("I remember that wonderful moment")) Alexander Pushkin
You can obtain this book free if you are willing to sing a couple of songs from this set,
record them and send to us.  
Leslie Crabtree.  Shakespeare's Sonnets  
Vocal Works in English for voice and piano.  1st edition  
Date of publication: June 22, 2010.  Place of publication: Moscow, Russia.  Number of pages: 75.  
Table of Contents  
No. Title Poet
1 Sonnet XVIII  ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?") William Shakespeare
2 Sonnet XXII  ("My glass shall not persuade me I am old…") William Shakespeare
3 Sonnet XXIX  ("When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes…") William Shakespeare
4 Sonnet XXX  ("When to the sessions of sweet silent thought…") William Shakespeare
5 Sonnet XXXIII  ("Full many a glorious morning have I seen…") William Shakespeare
6 Sonnet XL  ("Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all…") William Shakespeare
7 Sonnet XLIV  ("If the dull substance of my flesh were thought…") William Shakespeare
8 Sonnet LXXI  ("No longer mourn for me when I am dead…") William Shakespeare
9 Sonnet LXXIII  ("That time of year thou mayst in me behold…") William Shakespeare
10 Sonnet LXXXVII  ("Farewell! thou art to dear for my possessing…") William Shakespeare
You can get this book for $25.  Please write with your request at crabtree@yandex.ru.
Leslie Crabtree.  Vocal Works in Russian for voice and piano.  Volume II
Date of publication: June 22, 2011.  Place of publication: Moscow, Russia.  Number of pages: 56.  
Table of Contents  
No. Title Poet
1 Ночь (Night) Alexander Pushkin
2 «Поёт зима – аукает» ("The winter sings and shouts ") Sergei Esenin
3 Ангел (The Angel) Mikhail Lermontov
4 «Не отходи от меня…» ("Do not go away from me…") Afanasiy Fet
5 «Ты думаешь, что силою созвучий…» ("You think I have strength…") Maria Petrovykh
6 «Год, в разлуке прожитый…» ("We  have been separated for a year…") Maria Petrovykh
7 «Ветер воет, ветер свищет…» ("The wind howls, the wind whistles…") Maria Petrovykh
8 «И откуда вдруг берутся силы…» ("From where does strength suddenly come...") Yulia Drunina
9 «Я пережил свои желанья…» ("I outgrew my desires…") Alexander Pushkin
10 «Ты – рядом» ("You're beside me") Yulia Drunina
You can get this book for $22.  Please write with your request at crabtree@yandex.ru.
Leslie Crabtree.  Nine Poems from the Book of Songs by Heinrich Heine
Vocal Works in German for voice and piano  
Date of publication: January 1, 2012.  Place of publication: Moscow, Russia.  Number of pages: 39.
Table of Contents  
No. Title Poet
1 Lieder:  I  ("Morgens steh' ich auf und frage…") Heinrich Heine
2 Lieder:  II  ("Es treibt mich hin, es treibt mich her!") Heinrich Heine
3 Lieder:  III  ("Ich wandelte unter den Bäumen…") Heinrich Heine
4 Lieder:  IV  ("Lieb Liebchen, leg's Händchen aufs Herze mein…") Heinrich Heine
5 Lieder:  V  ("Schöne Wiege meiner Leiden…") Heinrich Heine
6 Lieder:  VI  ("Warte, warte, wilder Schiffsmann…") Heinrich Heine
7 Lieder:  VII  ("Berg' und Burgen schaun herunter…") Heinrich Heine
8 Lieder:  VIII  ("Anfangs wollt' ich fast verzagen…") Heinrich Heine
9 Lieder:  IX  ("Mit Rosen, Zypressen und Flittergold…") Heinrich Heine
You can get this book for $20.  Please write with your request at crabtree@yandex.ru.
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